2014 Harvest Pictures
I finally got it figured out. So here are a FEW of the pictures I took of harvest! This was one of the tractors I drove this year - the JD 4850! Jon just got this tractor this summer to replace the 305. Jon combining beans! This was one of my jobs one day. Every year Jon would get frustrated with his Dad for not cleaning out his bins before they got busy with harvest. Well this year all the bins were cleaned out ready to go before harvest. HOWEVER, DFS had a hot bid and Jon knew we were going to run out of room, so he sold corn right during the middle of harvest! So my job was to empty the grain bin and fill the grain cart full of corn so when Jon came back with the semi he could fill it up a whole lot faster and get back down to Osky quicker with a load of corn. I teased Jon about this later - how he was keeping up the tradition of getting rid of grain during harvest! This was just one of the examples of our dow...