It Can Really Stop Raining Now!

So my mother in law has informed me that there is always a severe storm around her birthday - which happens to be June 29!  Well, Sunday evening proved her to be right!  But it didn't just stop on that day - we got more the next day.  In fact I would say we had a couple good rounds.  In the 14 years that Jon and I have lived here (on our farm) we have only had water over the lane once - yesterday marked the second time.  Our corn got knocked down not only here but at another farm we farm.  We didn't get any other damage than that which is good, but it still makes us sick to our stomachs to look out the window.  We just pray now that rain will stop for awhile, that the sun will come out and maybe it will bounce back from this.  Here are some pictures of some of the flooding of our fields and damage to the corn:

This is our lane.

Jon's alfalfa and oats - completely flattened.

Some of the down corn at our place.

More down corn at our place.

Yep that's our semi.  Jesse was trying to get back to Glenda's and found this.  This was actually taken a couple of hours later after the third round of rain.  Noticed how more it got out after the county put up signs. Jon graciously moved back the sign so the county wouldn't loose it!

This is another farm we farm under water.


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