A Tribute

Not exactly sure how to start this or what to even share, but on Oct 24, we FINALLY got TJ's headstone placed at the cemetery.  It is something we have been waiting on for quite some time and with the help of an amazing someone - it got done!  Let me tell you - this wasn't an easy task.  How do you describe who someone is: their likes, personality, hobbies, etc. all on a stone?  How do you make it look appropriate for a 10 year old?  To stand out and be different and to not look like that of an 80 year old?  We did our best to represent who TJ was and to honor him as well.  We chose a font that stood out (just like TJ and his personality).  We had someone from our church come out and draw his flower garden - which was etched on the stone.  And we chose to put his I Pod on it with the verse Romans 8:37 - for his love of music and Jesus!   I'd like to think that TJ would be pleased with it - that it would have been what he would have wanted.

When I received the phone call telling me that it had been set - I was anxious to go see it.  However, once I got there - it hit me like a ton of bricks.  I think the realization sunk in - that TJ is gone and he won't be coming back.  I've probably been to the cemetery a hundred different times but I think to see his name and dates in stone like that made it so different.  I could NOT stop crying.  I miss him every single day. 

The side with TJ's flower garden.
The other side.  (I had to take the picture from the side otherwise you could see my reflection in it)



  1. Tami - I think the stone is perfect and fits Thomas Jon's personality to a T! I completely agree with you about seeing the stone set in place and how final and evident it is that TJ is gone! I know God's timing and plan is pleasing and perfect but I can't wrap my mind around how it's pleasing and perfect that TJ is no longer with us! I will continue to trust in God's plan because He see's the BIGGER picture! My sister & friend heart aches and hurts for you and Jon and my Auntie heart aches and hurts for Anthony, Will, and Charlie! Love you all!

  2. It is perfect just like he is,I love the ipod it is so a young boy.You did a great job and I'm sure it's hard now and always will be for all of you,but remember the boys are looking for you 2 for support and going on with life .So glad you decided to do Halloween for them.Keep the faith.


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