13 Years

I guess I've been avoiding this post for awhile and thought I should try to tackle it now.... TJ's 13th birthday.  I can hardly believe that I would have a teenager - there are days I feel like I'm still a teenager!  I had debated over and over what to do for his 13th birthday.  Do we celebrate just the five of us?  Invite the whole family?  Just our parents?  What do we do that is different?  And then it all became clear.  I saw that the Newsboys and Matthew West were going to be at the Iowa State Fair - just four days after TJ's birthday.  So we decided to invite the whole family to go (most of the family was able to go).  We thought it was the perfect way to honor TJ's 13th birthday with something he loved so much - music and Christ!  We all met at our campers before the concert for walking tacos and cookie cakes!  We had such an enjoyable evening.  We were even able to share TJ's story with the lady who sat in front of us!

TJ's birthday cookies

It's a little hard to see - the gang that joined us all standing!

Matthew West 


I know had TJ been here he would have had a fabulous night!  I often think of what he would look like right now.  I'm pretty sure he would be taller than me!  He probably would have been begging for a cell phone for his birthday gift!  I wonder if he would be sassy and all "teenager like" or would he still have his goofy, "I don't care what others think of me" attitude.  Would he still want to be the center of attention?  Would he still be kind and caring to his younger brothers?  Would he still want to be seen with me?  There are so many things I think about.  I miss that kid EVERY day!  I can't believe this is the third birthday we've celebrated without him.  And I still can't believe we are on this path - and that this is all God's plan.  It's something I struggle with, but have to trust that He knows best - even when I don't understand.  Maybe someday (and not necessarily this side of Heaven) it will all become clear.  Happy 13th Birthday Thomas Jon!  We love you and miss you like crazy!


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