An Unlocked (hacked) Gem!

I honestly can't remember what year it was - but TJ and Anthony had pooled their money together and bought a laptop computer.  They mostly used it just to have fun with - and it kept them off my computer!  Well, the way the two of them set it up was that they each had their own log in page.  That way TJ's stuff was on his side and Anthony's was on his and neither of them usually used the other one's side!  Since TJ's been gone we have been trying to get on his side of the computer.  We have tried different words, names that we thought he might use as password and nothing ever worked.  I've asked around to different people if they knew of anyone you might be able to hack into TJ's side.  Nobody could ever give me a name.  Until one day we were over at our friend's house.  He told us about all the work he had done to their own computer - so I asked him if he would be willing to give it a try. I knew I could trust him with this computer.  Well, Monday of this week we were invited over for supper so I decided to bring along the laptop.  I left it there and told him that there was no hurry and to work on it only when he had time.  So, last night after picking up the boys from church my phone rings and it was my friend!  With excitement in her voice she said - HE GOT IT!!  At first I had no clue what she was talking about. Then she explained - "Michael hacked into TJ's side - he got it!!!"  She told me she would bring it over right away.  Jon, Kelly and I were all sitting at the island going through his side of the computer.  Video upon video of TJ singing and dancing to his favorite songs.  Him and his cousin Carson doing crazy videos.  An then the videos with the other boys - who were so little!  We spent the rest of the evening laughing so hard at our crazy, creative, just-like-his-Dad son!  We still haven't gotten through everything yet - there are SO MANY videos!  I am so extremely thankful for Michael's persistence.  I will never be able to thank him enough for giving us something we have been missing for the last two and half years - TJ!! Although it's not TJ in the flesh - it is TJ and all his personality!  I am looking forward to just sitting and soaking in all of TJ!  Michael did more than just unlocked (hacked) a computer - he gave us a true gem and something we will treasure (and look at) forever!

For your enjoyment - ONE of TJ's videos!


  1. What a gift! A treasure you will keep forever. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I'm so happy for you! What a gift indeed! Just the sight of him brought tears to my eyes. Oh how he is missed. Love the video! Thank you for sharing! I'm sure you all enjoy those videos for years to come. What a blessing.

  3. Such a gift! All in God's perfect time.

  4. That was sssooo cute and fun to watch,and on a side note Randy thinks the sunsets on Mike!!

  5. Oh my gosh! Loved that video!! He could always brighten anyone's day!! Hope you guys are having a wonderful time in Jamaica! -Ashton Long


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