A Special Night

I'm not sure if I will even be able to put into words what happened on the night of May 28th.  It was the night we were revealing TJ's memorial plaque and the time capsule.  The fourth grade class along with their families, teachers and our families were invited to the school auditorium to a special ceremony.  One of the mom's on the committee shared a few thoughts and read from the book "Oh The Places You Will Go" by Dr. Seuss.  Jon and I were able to actually present the memorial plaque to the Principal of the High School and to share a few of our own thoughts.  Then they revealed the actual time capsule encasement - it was stunning!  And then it was time for the video.  Most of TJ's classmates were able to share memories they had of him, teachers shared things, and different classes did various things on the video - from reading a book to dancing to spelling out TJ with their bodies.  There were even pictures of TJ that captured who he really was.  It was such a touching video.  After the ceremony we had a supper for all of those that attended.

Jon and I were given the actual time capsule a few days before the ceremony.  We had the opportunity to see everything that the kids had brought.  I was so extremely touched by all they put in and their reasons why they chose that item.  Items ranged from t-shirts, journal entries TJ had actually written, notes, toys, camera and homemade items.  I was so moved by their stories and memories of TJ and was surprised at how much they still remembered.  He truly hasn't been forgotten.  Jon and I decided to contribute something to the time capsule as well.  We brought TJ's cowboys boots that he always enjoyed wearing in kindergarten (there is a story that goes along with it - perhaps I'll share that another day).  I remember after TJ had passed telling Jon how much I was going to miss these kids (and their parents), and how I wasn't quite sure what our role with them was anymore.  Our hearts have been so touched that they want to bring TJ and us along with them through their Jr and Sr High years.  It is bittersweet - but like one of the teachers told me - you can handle some of the pain rather than have nothing at all - which I would have to agree.  So, THANK YOU class of 2020!  You have brought smiles to our faces, tears to our eyes and joy to our hearts - without all of you - none of this would have been possible.  We are excited to walk these next six years with you!

 This trumpet case is the actual time capsule.  Everything the kids brought are inside this case.  Jon and I  thought it was pretty cool that they came up with the idea of a trumpet case being the actual capsule! It is so fitting!

 Right side of the time capsule encasement.  Each kid was able to design their own tile.  Each tile has a saying or something special about TJ with their name on it.  There are 41 of these tiles.  They will actually get their own tile back on the day of graduation!

 The top.  The tile in the middle explains what this actually is.  That way when people walk into the school they will know what this is.  It states:

A trumpet case of memories creates the Time Capsule hidden inside,
TJ's classmates recalling memories and sharing them with pride.
Encased by granite tiles, held safe until graduation day,
Wrapped with words of wisdom, thoughts of him, and phrases he might say.
In the year of 2020, wearing caps and gowns - a day to share -
this capsule filled with memories will then be placed on TJ's chair.
Though this friend is no longer with us, it's clear for all to see,
Ripples of TJ's spirit will forever teach us how living life should be.

The Front side

The left side.

TJ's plaque.  This will hang on the wall with the time capsule encasement underneath it.  If you are ever at North Mahaska schools and enter on the north side of the High School - you will see both of these items.

This is the FABULOUS group of parents that head up the committee of Seeing TJ Thru 20/20.  They are:
Robin LaRue (and her husband Jeff who couldn't be there) Elizabeth's parents
Kenney & Tanya Davis - Joel's parents
Tom & Tina Layman - Paige's parents
Jenell & Brad Steel - Kassidi's parents
All of their kids were some of TJ's closest friends.  They have been absolutely amazing.  We have such a great time when we all get together.  There are always many laughs shared and many memories made!

These are some of the classmates that made it that night!  The time capsule and encasement are on the right side of the picture.


  1. Wow that is so neat I'm glad you shared it with us because next time I go to the school I will know to look at it.

  2. Hi Tami,

    I'm not sure if you remember me so I thought I would explain that first. I was student teaching in TJ's class when God brought light on TJ. Since you started this blog I have been keeping up with it. I never shared this with you, but I felt the time was right to do so now. The day of TJ's visitation I had my very first teaching interview. I drove the 3 hours to that interview and got offered the position. I spent the last 2 years teaching at TJ Elementary School (Thomas Jefferson) I loved every minute of it. Every day I woke up knowing that TJ helped me get that job, and shared his story with many of my students. I will be going to a new Elementary School this year in a different district, but know that TJ's story lives within me.

    This picture of all the classmates that I taught in that class really hit me hard. I cannot believe how grown up and mature they all look!

    I appreciate everything you do and know that every day I say a pray for you and your family!

    Ms. Samantha Fink (at the time I taught TJ)
    now Mrs. Henningsen


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