Jon's Annual Adventure

For those of you who don't know my husband very well, let me share a bit of information about him.  He LOVES snowmobiling (I think that is an understatement actually)!!  Every year he along with some buddies of his go out west to snowmobile.  He looks forward to this trip ALL year!  Sometimes, depending on snowfall and the time of year, they will go on more than one trip.  Before he left for this trip, he purchased a helmet camera - he actually video tapes himself riding.  Not exactly sure this was a smart investment - now I will actually see how he rides, where he rides and all other details that I might not have known before.  However, now I can understand what he is talking about when he is telling his stories!

I actually should have Jon write this post since I really don't know all the exact details.  I do know they were gone about a week and stayed in Walden, Colorado, but I don't believe they limited their riding to just this location.  I know these trips are good for the both of us.  He enjoys the time he spends with his buddies and I tend to appreciate Jon more.  I believe this year was extra important for him to get away and hang with the guys for awhile.  These guys are a pretty special group of friends - let me share with you something very cool they did.  I got a text message from Jon with a picture of a helmet.  At first I was a little upset - Jon had just gotten a new helmet last year and I couldn't figure out why he would need a new one this year.  Well, the guys had bought this helmet and had special decals put on it.  On one side was Jon's name, on the other side was TJ's birth date, on the back was Romans 8:37, and there were also lime green decals.  My anger was quickly replaced with tears and appreciation.  I was moved (as was Jon) with the gift they had given my husband.  The other cool thing - the ones that had given this to Jon had also gotten one for themselves.  It was almost as if they were riding for TJ or at least in his memory!  What a great group of guys!!  I think I'll let Jon hang out with them more often!!!  Since I really don't know much more than that I'll share a couple of pictures of his time out there. 

Jon on his sled around home before the trip!
 The guys! (Jon is on the far left side)
Another view 
 Taking a break (not sure if it's a lunch break or not)
Sorry, I'd like to put a better caption underneath each picture, but Jon isn't around to explain them.  Maybe I'll have to have him do another post to talk more about the trip.  Thank you BJ for the pictures!


  1. Very neat pictures. Glad you were able to have a nice trip Jon. Prayers, Curt, Robin, Cole and Tyson Ferguson.

  2. That is an AWESOME story about the helmet ... can't wait to see it!!!!


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