Happy 6th Birthday Charlie!

I can't believe I just typed that number - 6!  Yesterday was (my baby) Charlie's sixth birthday.  I remember the day he was born as if it were yesterday.  I also remember thinking - we are crazy - we have four kids all under the age of six!!  But I wouldn't trade it for the world.  I am so glad God blessed us with Charlie.  I do believe He knew what our family was going to be going through and knew we would need someone in our family just like Charlie!!  His smile and laugh are contagious.  He amazes me with how fast he catches on to things - whether it is from school, sports or on the farm.  His humor and the way he entertains all of us remind me so much of his big brother TJ.  His love for sports - is like Anthony.  And the helper in him is like Will.  I LOVE how he will hold my hand and give me hugs and kisses (it's not embarrassing yet)!  The way he knows no stranger - terrifies me and reminds me of his daddy!  He completes our family. 

This year Jon and I decided to try something a little different for Charlie's birthday.  Instead of just buying him gifts, we wanted to create a memory as a family for him as his gift (does that make sense?).  We did get him a little LEGO thing, but his main gift was for all of us to go to Incredible's Pizza and have fun together!  We drove go-karts, bumper cars, mini-putted, bowled, played in the arcade and ate at the buffet.  We had such a good time.  After we were done we headed to Orange Leaf for ice cream!  Overall, I believe we all enjoyed our day together.  Now, I realize we probably spent more money doing this than just buying him a gift.  However, I do believe he will talk about this more than some toy we bought him.  Maybe I'll be wrong - who knows.  All I know is I want so much more for my kids than the stuff we can buy them.

My prayer for Charlie is that as he grows older he will find his identity in Christ and not stuff.  I pray that he will always love his brothers like he does now (minus a few fights here and there).  My hope is that he will always be who God created him to be - that funny, compassionate, entertaining, smart, outgoing, social, respectable young man I see in him now.  That he will always love and trust in our Heavenly Father - no matter what happens to us in life.  I pray that he will always know how much his daddy and I love him.  We love you Charlie - we pray God will bless you with many more birthdays!!

This is Charlie yesterday on his birthday!
These other two pictures are just a couple of my favorite ones of Charlie when he was littler!

This was at Halloween - he is Charlie Brown!!

And this is just a funny picture of him sleeping!


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