A new look at Easter!

I know I'm a day late - but better late than never, right?  Plus, I needed some time to reflect on this first.  You see, I have always loved Easter.  But this year Easter was a little different to me.  I saw it in a whole new perspective.  Our church put on "The Stations of the Cross."  It portrays the last few days of Jesus life here on Earth.  The youth group sponsors were responsible for setting up three of these stations - two stations that were only going to be seen by our youth group and a handful of others.  Jon and I had been gone when some of these planning meetings were held - so I honestly felt clueless on a lot of this (which is totally all my fault).  Anyway, I knew what it was, yet at the same time didn't really know what to expect.  Sunday night (Palm Sunday) we took our youth group through eight stations.  We read a scripture verse, an explanation of those verses and an application to our lives.  I have to make a confession - my week had been crazy and Sunday afternoon was the first time I actually got the chance to read what I was going to read to our youth(I honestly think there was a reason for that - as you will find out as you keep reading).  I learned things that night that I'm not sure I knew before.  Or maybe I had, but it didn't really sink in and now with a new outlook on life, it was if I was hearing the story for the first time.  We started in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus goes to pray and his disciples fall asleep.  He knew what was about to happen and prayed "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless, not as I will but as you will."  Did you catch that?  Have you ever prayed a prayer like that?  I know I did and it was one of the hardest prayers I've ever prayed.  It's so easy to just pray for what we want - like God is Santa - here's my list of all my wants, please give them all to me.  But if we would be honest with ourselves - God has a plan for us - one so much more than we could ever imagine - wouldn't you want to pray for God's will?  (I know this is easier said than done, but I'm working on it).  But not only that, Jesus asks his disciples to be praying and what do they do, they fall asleep.  I thought about that - how often have I taken the easy way out knowing God was desiring SO much more for me.  Again, something I'm working on!

Then we traveled on to where Judas betrays Jesus.  I know that Jesus knew this was going to happen, but have you ever had this happen to you?  However, the difference is we don't expect it - we've been friends with someone - only to later have them betray you.  OR perhaps you are the one that betrayed a friend.  I haven't always been a good friend - especially now.  I have been very selfish lately.  It made me think about my relationships - not only with others, but with Christ as well.  I am Judas.  I need to work harder at all my relationships including mine with Christ.  I have drifted away and it's time to come back.

Next was the scene where Peter denies Jesus.  This was one of Jesus closet friends, yet he denies he ever knew him.  I thought about that - how often do I deny Christ.  Are people even aware that I have a relationship with him?  OR do they know yet I try to act like I don't.  This too has been a struggle for me this last year.

The next four scenes were the hardest for me.  They were - Jesus is scourged (beaten), Jesus carries his cross, Jesus is nailed to the cross and Jesus crucified.  I knew about each of these and had seen the terrible image portrayed in the movie The Passion of the Christ, however, I was looking at it in a different light now.  We read the following to our group of sr. high youth (about when Jesus was scourged):  Almost all of us know that Jesus died on a cross.  But, do we really understand what that really entailed?  Before being taken to the place of execution those who were to be crucified were whipped.  This was not done with an "Indiana Jones" whip, but with something far more awful.  A scourging whip consisted of several leather strips connected to a wooden handle.  Attached to each of the leather strips were pieces of bone, lead, or other sharp objects.  Obviously these sharp and jagged pieces took an extreme toll on a prisoner's body, so much so that it was not infrequent for prisoners to die from this punishment alone.  It is believed that Jesus was whipped 40 times, an amount often fatal.  The purpose of the whipping was to weaken the prisoner for the actual crucifixion.  After enduring the suffering of the whipping Jesus was ridiculed by the soldiers.  They ripped his clothes, mockingly put a scarlet robe and a crown of thorns on him, and gave him a reed to serve as a scepter.  They mocked his supposed role as "King of the Jews", doing everything they could to show how un-powerful he really was.  Then the part when he carried his cross we read, "Crucifixion was an awful way to die.  It was typically reserved for the worst criminals, specifically those who committed particularly heinous crimes.  It was meant to be both an excruciation way for the prisoner to die and as a visible warning to the community to not commit similar crimes.  Once arriving at the place of crucifixion Jesus would have been nailed to the crossbeam either in the middle of his palms or in his wrists.  The cross would have then been lifted up, with Jesus being left there until he died.  Death came slowly, often as a result blood loss due to scourging, an infection, or malnutrition.  Prisoners were positioned on the cross in such a manner that in order to take good breaths they had to lift themselves up, which took energy they did not have and was painful given the nail through their hand.  Failure to consistently pull themselves up could lead to death by asphyxiation.  In Jesus' case death came in six hours, far less than was typical.  This was likely due to the severity of the lashings he had already received.  In any case, Jesus died after having endured great betrayal, rejections, denial, mocking and physical pain."   I have heard this before, I knew it, however, this time was different.  You see I thought about all the pain Jesus went through.  I know I shouldn't compare, but TJ was in pain and he got morphine, he had troubles breathing so they gave him oxygen.  Jesus didn't have anything like that.  In fact when he was offered something he refused it.  He felt it all.  WHY?  Was he this terrible criminal who had done terrible things?  NO - He was perfect in EVERY way.  He came to SAVE us.  It is still hard for me to completely fathom all what Christ did for me.  For you.  I thought that watching my son die was hard - it was extremely hard.  But think about God - his one and only son went through so much pain, torture and death - so I that MY (your) sins would be forgiven - so that I (we) too may live in Heaven some day.  We were able to nail our sins on the cross - I didn't do it this particular night - but we were given the chance to at our Thursday night service.  The sound of the hammer hitting those nails - it pierces your ears.  It was because of my sin - Jesus hung on that cross.  And then we walked upstairs to see Jesus hanging on the cross.  It was AMAZING!  I felt as if I were back to the actual day - it was so real, so touching.  Have you REALLY thought about what Christ did for you?  I saw it in a whole new light this year - one I hope I NEVER forget.

Our eighth stations was the empty tomb.  On our way we were greeted by the two Mary's - the joy, excitement in their voices.  Do I share that kind of excitement for Jesus or even to tell others about Jesus?  Do I have a passion for Jesus - can others see it?  This is something that I have put to the side for awhile, but now I am ready to pick up where I left off and to work harder at it.  We serve a risen savior - he conquered death - He is ALIVE!!

Did you reflect this Easter what Christ did for you?  It's not too late!


  1. Oh Tami, your words are perfect! I felt much of that myself as I led Seekers kids through it all. I actually had to take a moment to gather myself in the scouraging room because as I was reading and looking at the scene, it just struck me in a whole new way. Dan said that he will never look at a cross again the same way after laying on the one the nails pierced that night. He said it was like he could feel every one. This whole Easter season has been amazing. Thank you for sharing!!


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