Tis the season...TAX season!

That lovely time of year has approached us......Income tax season!  Usually we have it done by now, however farmers didn't have to file by the usual March 1 deadline this year.  Which was nice, but it just prolonged the inevitable!  Well, I'm not sure how everyone else does their taxes, but this is usually what Jon and I do.  I enter the checkbook into the computer.  I always start of the year good and enter each week/month and then I'll get busy and it will slide and I end up doing the whole year in a matter of a couple of days.  I'm sure none of you ever let that happen!!  Well this time when I went to start working on entering it - I only had January done.  So needless to say I had a lot of work ahead of me!  (I did have it all entered into the computer by last week)  After I enter everything in - that's when Jon takes over.  He does some report and goes through everything and then asks questions.  Then he takes everything he needs and heads to the accountant.  NOT THIS YEAR!!  He made me do it ALL!  I know it - what was he thinking!!!  He's been so super busy lately and as much as I DID NOT want to do this - I figured it was the least I could do.  I could take a little stress off of him.  We had had a couple different appointments earlier in the year, but things came up and we had to reschedule so today (April 2) was our appointment.  And what did I do (what I do best) - procrastinated!!  Yep, I waited to work on it until yesterday, on a day when the kids had no school.  What was I thinking?  In my defense, Jon just informed me yesterday morning that I was the one that was going to get everything ready to go!  I believe I had everything ready to go by 5:00 last night.  Not too bad for doing this the first time EVER!  So during supper I told Jon I had everything ready for him to go for his appointment.  To which he informed me that I was the one going.  We went rounds about this until I finally gave up.  It was again a way I could help out and relieve a bit of pressure.  I guess I should back up just a little bit - when Jon and I were first married I went to the income tax appointment with him.  However, I just sat there and never really inputted any information - hence the reason I stay home now.  Maybe that isn't wise - but I had helped get everything ready - so it's not like I was completely in the dark about our finances.  So not had it only been several years since I've gone - now I was going BY MYSELF!!  I honestly had troubles sleeping last night - I know, crazy, stupid, but that's me sometimes!!  So this morning after the kids got on the bus I headed into town for the dreaded appointment.  Well after being there almost three hours we were finally done!  When I went to leave he told me I had done a good job and that Jon could just stay home from now on, we don't need him - to which I said, "I don't think so!" 


  1. Oh I know how you feel! I recently started to do taxes online instead of sending them in. It was just so much easier. I really enjoyed reading your post. Thanks so much for sharing.


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