Creative Determination!

The other day Charlie wanted to get the mail.  Well, he isn't tall enough to open the lid, reach inside and get the mail out - I wasn't sure how this was going to work - so I watched.  Here is what I saw:

He takes the footstool off the deck...

carries it down the sidewalk to the mailbox.

Then he sets it down....

climbs on top to open and get the mail out.

Last... he sets the mail on top of the step stool and carries it back to set on the deck!  Then he rings the doorbell to bring the mail inside!
I must confess that the first day I watched.  So the next day when the mailman pulled in and Charlie said, "I'll get the mail" I ran to get my camera.  You can't tell this kid he is too small for something.  He will find a way!  I absolutely love that about him.  


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