Basement Demo!

Saturday, Jon decided we were going to work on getting the basement completely gutted.  We recruited some good help and we did it!  It is amazing what many hands can do.  Here are some pictures of our day and what we all got accomplished.

Will and Gavin knocking down the walls!  I made sure to tell Gavin the next time he comes to Aunt Tami's he can't beat on any walls again!  I keep telling our own boys the same thing!

Carson was a HUGE help!

Gavin was also our mouse remover!  We found way more of these than I would have liked to!  But I guess at least they are dead and now out of the house!  Thanks Gavin!

We all packed into the truck to have lunch in the park with my sister. 


So how do you get six kids motivated to keep knocking down walls?  You tell them they can kick them down!  This was the only wall left to knock down before lunch and it seriously took us 20 minutes once we got back from lunch to get the whole thing knocked down!


 Even Lane with his broken arm came to help!  He did pretty good considering he could only use one arm!  He did make me nervous a couple of times.


All Done!  No more wall separating the unfinished and finished part!

 Another view of the north side of the basement - another wall gone! (can't get the picture to be bigger -sorry)
Thank you Jason, Carson, Lane and Gavin for all your hard work.  And thank you to those who offered to come out but we had no more work for you to do!  Maybe we will recruit you for another day!!  We have just a few other things to do yet - take carpet off the steps and to tear down some walls to the old bathroom and we will be all done with the demo part.  Next step....the basement people will come to fix our basement walls and then our contractor will come in behind them and finish it out.  When it is all done we will have the boy's bedrooms downstairs, a full bathroom and a family/hangout/toy/play area room.  It will be nice when it is all said and done!  Next up... demolition on the main floor!!  Stay tuned!!


  1. I had no idea that your basement was that big! Can't wait to see the changes!


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