You've Been Selected!

So do you remember last year our families decorated an ice cream cone in memory of TJ for the Iowa State Fair?  Well this year they are doing concrete ribbons.  My sister-in-law informed me and asked if we wanted to do it again this year.  Well, I really wanted to, but I just didn't think I needed another concrete ornament in my yard/flower garden.  So I asked around to see if any of our other family members would want it in their yard.  My mom graciously offered to take it if no one else wanted it.  Well, time went by and I forgot all about it.  The day before our entry was due my sister-in-law reminded me that we needed to have it in the next day.  I told her I had a home for it, but no creative ideas since I had forgotten all about it.  Thankfully I have a creative sister-in-law - she had an idea and I loved it, so we submitted the idea.  We just found out last week that we were selected again!!!  So last Friday both Shawna and I went up to Des Moines to go get the ribbon!  I tell you the place you go and pick it up has some very unique concrete things!  We loaded it up in the back of the truck and brought it back to my brother-in-law's shop.  Now all the family will get together and decorate the ribbon.  Stay tuned to see how we will transfer this:

into something that will honor TJ's memory!  I am excited and can't wait to see the transformation!  On a side note - it is much smaller than the ice cream cone!  We had such a great time last year working on it together as a family.  I loved how there was a little piece of TJ at the fair.  And since we had an entry we were given a list and map of all the other cones - so it was like we had our very own scavenger hunt every day at the fair.  We found every ice cream cone last year - this year I hope to find every ribbon.  It's fun to see how everyone starts with the same thing yet the outcomes can be so different!  Stay tuned for the transformation!


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