"Camp" by Anthony

My camp was great, we had a lot of fun, made new friends, and learned more about Jesus. Almost every morning there were about maybe 2 or 3 cabins (the cabins were oak, maple, hackberry) were playing carpet ball. Breakfast was at 8:00 am, lunch was at noon, supper was at 6:00 pm. We had Sheriff Report (but kids do not get in trouble only counselors did) Brett got in trouble 4 times. And we do mail call  (like on Robots) but you can't get your mail you have to earn it like doing stuff. My cousin Matthew and I got mail everyday, so we did Safari (not a real safari) T- shirt academy, wrote our names with our butts LOL yeah I know. We had T- shirts -  this year the theme was "There Is An App For That" our Bible verse was "But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put into practice" Luke 11:28. We do game groups the colors were yellow, green, pink, blue, orange, red, black, purple and white. I well maybe tell you the results. In 8th place was the Orange Team.  In 7th place was the black widow berries (my team) I forgot who got 6th and 5th place, fourth was the green mowing cutting grass (Matthew's  team) 3rd Blues Clues? 2nd red rowdy reindeers, 1st the Yellow hillbilly Unicorns. Worship was not too bad we learned that our life is a mess, we can choose because it's our live J loves L (Jesus loves little) If you read this it might sound fun to your kids, we (my cabin) had a beach ball party!  WOW! yeah I know Jakob was being a party pooper but he joined in by kicking the beach balls but luckily both of the beach balls did not pop. We went swimming, canoeing, Fishing and crafts, We went swimming every day, Canoeing, fishing, and crafts for 1 day. On the last day every boy and almost every girl were sad because they were going to miss their friends and like almost never see them.To cheer Matt and I up we went to pizza ranch in Marshalltown with ice cream. When we drove in the drive I really felt happy because I was at home but I was sad because I was away from Cayden, Brad, Jacob, Ian, Alex, and Nick.

This is Tami - here are a few pictures I took when I came to pick up the boys.  They had cookies, drinks and a little program.

Here they are singing and dancing!

Singing again.  Anthony is in the green with Hawkeye shorts and my nephew Matthew is in the orange shorts and blue shirt.

This is Joe and Diana Brummel.  They are the camp leaders.  They are AMAZING people.  Both of them were huge in helping TJ get over his homesickness his first year(s) at camp!

And this last picture is of all the counselors (minus a couple).  These young adults do such an amazing job with the kids!  I hold a special place in my heart for several of these counselors.


  1. Sounds like a really fun camp Anthony. Glad you had a fun time. Hope you and your brothers have a great school year. Curt, Robin, Cole and Tyson.


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