School is Back in Session

So Wednesday was the first day of school for our kids.   Just a few years ago I remember thinking - man when all the kids are in school, I'll be able to get so much done and kinda looking forward to it.  However, I have changed my mind.  I haven't been home by myself in like 12 years.  I wasn't sure I was ready for the quiet and to be alone.  I find there are days I can't handle being alone - my thoughts go directly to TJ and I find myself not being able to stop the tears.  So, I can tell you I was NOT looking forward to this day.  The boys on the other hand were a tad bit more excited for school.  Charlie is in kindergarten.  Will is in 2nd grade and Anthony is in fourth grade.  That right there is another reason I wasn't too excited about the school year.  Anthony is catching up to TJ.  He is now in the grade that TJ never finished - with the same teacher.  I got really nervous about that.  However, he has an amazing teacher and I honestly would want Anthony to have her.  The memories just flood back.  I often worry that the same thing is going to happen to Anthony.  And here in a few months Anthony is going to be the same age as his big brother.  It honestly frightens me.  I have to purposely train my brain to not go there and believe me it is HARD!  Ok, enough about me - onto the boys.  Here are some pictures of open house and first day!

Anthony - 4th grade - Mrs. Padgett
Will - 2nd grade - Mrs. Johannes

Charlie - Kindergarten - Mrs. DeBoef

First day of school picture!  (we couldn't take it in our usual place - we no longer have the deck)

Onto the bus!
This is actually the second day of school - but since they left their backpacks at the school during open house - I didn't have a picture of them with their backpacks.  I was able to convince the boys to not buy new backpacks this year.  We already had these!!  Bonus!


  1. I can understand your fears entirely! However, my In Touch devotion today was about fear & anxiety. It said: "Fear steals peace and contentment. When we're always afraid, our life becomes centered on pessimism and gloom. The Bible tells us that God will meet all our needs. He feeds the birds of the air and clothes the grass with the splendor of lilies. How much more, then, will He care for us, who are made in His image? Our only concern is to obey the heavenly Father and leave the consequences to Him."

    Praying you through this big transition as all the kids go to school!!


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