The Color Run!

After experiencing the fun of the Glow Run - I thought it would be fun to do another similar 5K - only this time add more family members.  So I recruited my mom, sisters, nieces and the boys to do the Color Run.  Holy smokes was it CRAZY!!  There were WAY more people there than the Glow Run (and there was another run at 1:00).  The race was to start at 9:00 am, however we were towards the tail end of the line - so we didn't get to go thru the start line until 10:00 am.  The mob was so big it was hard to run - so we would walk - but then if you walked you almost got trampled on.  It was a challenge.  Along the course they had color stations where they would spray you with color (it was colored cornstarch).  There was blue, orange, yellow and pink.  Once you crossed the finish line you could take your packet of color and go out with the rest of the runners who had finished and throw up your color to get even more colorful.  We did get colorful and dirty - not as bad as some!  It was fun.  I think the boys had a lot of fun and I was so proud of them for doing it!  Here are some pictures of our crazy, fun day!

The boys ready to go!  (they had the bandanas to cover their faces with - they also wore goggles for awhile)

Our team - Color Me Healthy (my older sister wasn't able to make it)  Jeana, Hannah, Carson, Marilyn, Me, Anthony, Will and Charlie

This is just view of all the people who were there!

This was one of the color stations - yellow!!  You would run thru it while people would "squirt" you with color.  You didn't really want to take a breath while running thru this!

Here we are at the end! 

This was the color packet party!  It was crazy yet cool all at the same time!

The boys and I at the end!


  1. I must say this is pretty cool and TJ would've LOVED being sprayed with all the different colors! I can hear him ... "Can we do that again" LOL
    Looks like you all had fun!


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