
So, Sunday when we were over at my parent's house, Charlie found a baby kitty.  That's not a rare thing to find, however it was odd that he could catch it and carry it around with him.  Of course he asked if he could keep it - I was quick to answer "I don't think so, it looks pretty little and it might need it's mommy."  Well, he kept carrying the thing wherever we went.  Both my Mom and Dad were quick to tell him he could take it home - you see I gave them one of our puppies, so they were more than ready to pass along a kitty to us!  I should rewind here just a bit - I'm not the biggest cat lover.  First off, I'm allergic to them.  Second, they can be so annoying - walking right under your feet at the most inappropriate times.  Plus I really didn't want this kitty - I knew it was going to require some extra doing on my part.  We tried feeding it in a little saucer while we were over there - which she didn't have figured out.  Well, just before we were getting ready to leave Jon told Charlie that he was fine with taking the kitty home as long as I was ok with it.  Oh sure, make me be the bad guy.  I caved and let him have it.  So, remember we went over to Jon's parent's house and then came back to my parent's house.  Well, once we came back we tried to convince Charlie to leave it with some other kitties we found in the hay bale ring.  We saw a mommy cat coming around so we thought we would try it.  Well, unfortunately for me and fortunately for Charlie the mommy had nothing to do with it - in fact she laid right on it!  I found that odd - when I was growing up all the mommy cats shared their babies with all the other mommies.  So, Charlie went from being completely broken hearted - to the happiest kid on the planet!  Mom and Dad let us borrow their dog kennel they used when we had given them the puppy.  So we brought the kitty home, tried feeding it again and set up her cage for bed.  The next morning we tried feeding it - again it just wasn't getting the hang of it.  I waited until Charlie came home from school to feed it again (11:30ish).  He quickly grabbed it out of it's cage from the garage and brought it in the house so we could feed him.  I got it's milk all ready - I dipped his head in the plate and he fell over.  I seriously thought she was dead.  I made the mistake and said that to Charlie - he quickly poked her and she faintly meowed.  So I grabbed a syringe (you know the ones the pharmacy gives you to give medicine to your kids) and filled it with milk.  I tried my best to shove it in her mouth and slowly release the milk so I didn't drowned her.  I made a huge mess, but something must have gotten in because she perked up a bit.  We did this almost every two hours on Monday.  She was doing much better by the end of the night.  I'm glad to say that this morning when we went to get her out of her cage (which we couldn't find her - she was hidden under the towel) she was not dead!  She is doing much better and is really getting the hang of eating out of that syringe.  Of course it has now become my project - to which I keep telling myself - I can't believe I'm doing this - it's a crazy cat!  It's amazing what you will do for your kids!!  We still have yet to come up with a name for her - the boys each have a different name that they want to call her.  So, one of these days we will come up with a name - for now we just call her kitty!!


  1. I have a solution!! Each boy needs his own kitty to name!!! I just happen to have more kittens you can have!!! Let me know if you are interested!!!

  2. I love this story. It is amazing what we decide we will do for our kids :) I enjoy reading all of your blogs. Thanks for the inspiration. Brenda Poe Irwin


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