The Beginning of Demolition!

Well, there are a couple of reasons I haven't blogged in awhile.  One, I've been sick.  And two, it has been crazy busy around here.  School is now over!!  I'm looking forward to having the boys home, spending time together and "making memories."  We were almost done with planting before all the rain happened.  And we are working on gutting the basement.  Our basement walls need to be fixed and in order to do that we have to gut the whole entire basement.  So we have been working on going through things, packing them up and getting them out of the basement.  So since it has been raining we've got Jon around to start working on that.  It's amazing the things you find and how different a room can look when you take out some carpet and tear up some walls and ceilings!  Here are a couple pictures of some of the progress we've made so far. 

The boys REALLY enjoyed this part!! I must admit I did too!

No carpet, or ceiling, or paneling.  Ready to take out the drywall.


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