"Who Lost A Shoe"

Charlie's transitional kindergarten class put on a little play called "Who Lost A Shoe."  We were invited to join them (in their classroom) for a great performance, popcorn and punch!  When we arrived we were greeted by Charlie and a couple other classmates who told us to take a seat anywhere and then they gave us our "snack."  Mrs. Jordan (Charlie's teacher) had them introduce themselves and the part they would be playing.  They all had little masks to hold in front of their faces and all but one kid played a different kind of animal.  It started off with an owl finding a shoe - wondering who lost a shoe.  A fish (Charlie), frog, duck, bee, cow and horse were all asked if it was their shoe - to which they all had a different response as to why it couldn't be their shoe. Charlie's line was, "swish, not me, not me.  I don't have feet as you can see!"   Finally the last one was a boy who claimed the shoe.  It was pretty cute!  Here are a few pictures:

Charlie the Fish!


His class all dressed up!


His class without their masks!


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