Memorial Day....part 2

After stopping at my Grandpa's, since we weren't too far from Des Moines, Jon decided to take us shopping.  We went to Jordan Creek Mall - but of course I had my usual luck - NONE!  So we decided to head home.  We thought it would be fun to have a hot dog roast with the kids in the new fire pit.  This is how it went down:

Jon told the boys to break up these sticks into smaller sticks.

Then he added a seed sack to the bottom of the pit.

Then we added our little sticks and paper to start it.

When nothing else works - get the diesel fuel!
Because of all the rain our fire pit had water in it.  We tried our best to get a fire going but had no such luck.  We had to resort to the grill.  Not quite as fun as cooking your own hotdog over the fire, but it sure did taste good!
We also played  h-o-r-s-e and a little one-on-one basketball.  Over all we had a nice Memorial Day just hanging out spending time together as a family. 


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