Sprucin' Up the Place!

Thirteen years ago Jon and I "bought the farm" (where we live).  In the time we've lived here, we haven't done a lot to the outside.  Oh maybe a little landscaping here and there, but nothing to the outside buildings.  We decided it was time to start doing a few things to make the place look a little nicer!  So Jon ordered some new tin for the roofs of a couple of buildings (the shop and the cattle shed).  We had a gentleman from Tennessee stop buy asking if he could paint our bins.  We agreed to let him do that and the roof of the old hog shed.  We plan to tear down the two barns (hopefully) this summer.  So, slowly but surely the place is changing.  Next up is the house - we will be doing some major changes (inside and out) to that soon!  As for now check out some before and after pictures of what we've done so far to the outside buildings.  I have a before picture of the shop - but we haven't done anything to it yet - so I'll post those pictures later once it is all done!

The cattle shed before - Jon ripping off the old stuff

The cattle shed after - this side is now done and they are working on the other side (had to stop because of the rain today).  I'll take a final after picture when they get all done. On a side note - I helped Jon finish the last four pieces that needed to be put on and got hurt three different times - I told him I am done helping!!

The old hog shed before

The old hog shed after



The bins before




The bins after


  1. Looks really nice. You guys have a very pretty place.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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